Our Team

Hafez El Sayyed
Post-doctoral Fellow

Oliver Pambos
Post-doctoral Fellow

Stelios Chatzimichail
Post-doctoral Fellow

Jagadish Prasad Hazra
Post-doctoral Fellow

Suchintak Dash
Post-doctoral Fellow

Nicolas Shiaelis
DPhil student

Rasched Haidari
DPhil student

Mirjam Kummerlin
DPhil student

Emma Lalande
DPhil student

Qing Zhao
DPhil student

Jacob Wright
DPhil student

Sammi Ta
DPhil student
Past Members
Academic Visitors
- Nigel D. F. Grindley (09/07-05/08)
Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University - Catherine M. Joyce (09/07-05/08)
Senior Research Scientist, Yale University - Richard Ludescher (2018-2019)
Professor of Food Science, Rutgers University - Xiaojuan Li (2019-2020)
Professor of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Beijing Forestry University
Post-doctoral Fellows
Dr. Piers Turner
Post-doctoral Fellow (2021-2024). -
Dr. Christof Hepp
Post-doctoral Fellow (2018-2023). -
Dr. Heesoo Uhm
Post-doctoral Fellow (2019-2023). Heesoo Uhm is a research fellow at Seoul National University. https://sites.google.com/view/baelab/ - Dr. Abhishek Mazumder
- Dr. Prabir Kulabhusan
Post-doctoral Fellow (2021-2022). - Dr. Barak Gilboa
Post-doctoral Fellow (2016-2020). - Dr. Jun Fan
Post-doctoral Fellow (2016-2020). - Dr. Horst Steuer
Post-doctoral Fellow (2015-2018). - Dr. Nicole Robb
Post-doctoral Fellow (2011-2017). Nicole Robb is a research fellow at the University of Oxford. https://robb.web.ox.ac.uk/ - Dr. Anssi Malinen
Post-doctoral Fellow (2016). Anssi is a research fellow at the University of Turku, Finland. https://www.utu.fi/fi/yksikot/sci/yksikot/biokemia/henkilokunta/bk/Sivut/Malinen-Anssi.aspx. - Dr. David Dulin
Post-doctoral Fellow (2016). David has set up his own group in Erlangen, Germany. https://sites.google.com/site/ddulinlab/home. - Dr. David LV Bauer
Post-doctoral Fellow (2016). David is a post-doctoral researcher in the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford. - Dr. Timothy Craggs
Post-doctoral Fellow (2015). Tim has set up his own group at the University of Sheffield. https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/chemistry/staff/profiles/tim_craggs - Dr. Geraint Evans
Post-doctoral Fellow (2015). Geraint is now pursuing a career in industry at Illumina, Inc. . - Dr. Pawel Zawadzki
Post-doctoral Fellow (2014). Currently a postdoctoral fellow in Oxford Biochemistry in the Sherratt group. - Dr. Javier Periz
Postdoctoral Fellow (2014). DPhil Student (2010-2014). Pursuing a career in veterinary-related molecular bioscience. - Dr. Louise Aigrain
Post-doctoral Fellow (2010-2013). Currently a Staff Scientist in the Sequencing Research Team at the Wellcome Trust Research Institute Louise's LinkedIn Page. - Dr. Robert Crawford
Post-doctoral Fellow (2011-2013) and DPhil student (2006-2011). Currently a Scientist in Systems Integration at Illumina, based in Cambridge. Rob's LinkedIn Page. - Dr. Johannes Hohlbein
Post-doctoral Fellow (2008-2012). Currently setting up his own group at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Johannes' new lab website. - Dr. Ludovic Le Reste
Post-doctoral Fellow (2011-2012). DPhil student (2006-2011). Ludo is now pursuing a career in industry in Switzerland. - Dr. Thorben Cordes
Post-doctoral Fellow (2010-2011). Currently setting up his own group at Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Thorben's new group page. - Dr. Ling Chin Hwang
Post-doctoral Fellow (2006-2009). Now a post-doctoral researcher at NIH, Washington DC. - Dr. Konstantinos Lymperopoulos
Post-doctoral Fellow (2005-2008). Now a post-doctoral researcher at BioQuant, University of Heidelberg. - Dr. Mike Heilemann
Post-doctoral Fellow (2005-07). Currently a professor at the University of Frankfurt, Germany. Heilemann group - Dr. Soeren Doose
Visiting Post-doctoral Fellow (2005). Currently a group leader at the University of Bielefeld, Germany.
D.Phil students
- Dr. Alison Farrar
- Dr. Anna Wang
- Dr. Aleksander Zagajewski
- Dr. Andrew McMahon
- Dr. Rebecca Andrews
- Dr. Maabur Sow
Currently working as a post-doctoral position at the Institute for Quantum Optics at Ulm University, Ulm, Germany. - Dr. Federico Garza de Leon
- Dr. Marko Sustarsic
- Dr. Anne Plochowietz
- Dr. Diego Duchi Llumigusin
- Dr. Alexandra Tomescu
Working for Oxford University Press as an Assistant Editor for scientific publications. - Dr. Stephan Uphoff
Currently a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow based in Oxford Biochemistry with the Sherratt group and Johan Paulsson's lab at Harvard Medical School. - Dr. Justin Pinkney
Currently working for Sargentia, an R&D consultancy based in Cambridge. - Dr. Kristofer Gryte
Now a Data Scientist and Data Visualization Engineer for Decoded. - Dr. Seamus Holden
Currently working as a post-doctoral position at the Laboratory of Experimental Biophysics at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. - Dr. Yusdi Santoso
Currently working as a management consultant at The Boston Consulting Group in Indonesia. - Dr. Joseph Torella
Currently pursuing his second doctorate at Harvard University, Boston. - Dr. Peter May
Currently working for a financial institution in London.
MRes students
Edward Wheeler (2024), Jingwen Xiao(2020)
MPhys students

Biochemistry Part II students
Pouya Shoolizadeh (2011), James Ghadiali (2005);
DTC rotation students
Jack Miller (2012), Mathew Stracy (2012), Sam Roots (2011), Brian Chuang, Tiago Rito (2009), Richard Muscat (2007), Wei Meng Ho, Mark Chang (2006)
Wellcome Trust Centre for Structural Biology rotation Students
David Yadin(2009)
Visiting students
Ryan Harrison (2012), Thijs Cui (2014), Martin Kaller (2015), Angelina Scheck (2016)
Summer students
Anna Wang (2018), Irénée Frenot (2010), Oliver Britton (2009), Quentin Delacour (2009); Arnaud Riegert (2008); Vuong Thi Kim Thanh, Ouardane Jouannot (2007), Leila Sattary (2006)
UNIQ+ students
Zonerah Mahmood (2019)